I found a way that allows me to earn gift cards for bike parts and cycling clothing. My favorite place to shop is Amazon. They don't charge shipping on orders over $25.00 and I don't have to leave the house or waste gas to get there. I can do this from my cell phone or online, or both at the same time!
I was amazed at how quickly I did earn once I really started trying.
So far, I have earned the following gift cards as shown below.
Notice how recent this list of gift cards is? Today is 1/29/11:
Notice how recent this list of gift cards is? Today is 1/29/11:
Gift Card Type | Shipped Date | ||
$5 Amazon.com e-Gift Card | 01/26/12 07:16 PM | ||
$5 Amazon.com e-Gift Card | 01/09/12 05:37 PM | ||
Starbucks e-Gift Card - $5 | 01/02/12 10:12 AM | ||
Starbucks e-Gift Card - $5 | 12/26/11 07:59 AM | ||
$5 Amazon.com e-Gift Card | 12/24/11 06:18 PM | ||
$5 Amazon.com e-Gift Card | 12/19/11 10:16 AM | ||
$5 Amazon.com e-Gift Card | 12/16/11 12:16 PM | ||
$5 Amazon.com e-Gift Card | 12/16/11 12:16 PM | ||
$5 Amazon.com e-Gift Card | 12/16/11 12:16 PM | ||
$5 Amazon.com e-Gift Card | 12/04/11 05:08 PM | ||
$5 Amazon.com e-Gift Card | 11/10/11 04:47 PM | ||
$5 Amazon.com e-Gift Card | 10/17/11 10:40 AM | ||
You can tell that in December of 2011, I was really gung ho about earning. I have slacked off again this month because I do have a life too, but in my spare time, I try to earn as much as possible. My goal is to earn enough to get a new pair of cycling shoes by this December, but hopefully sooner.
I recently read an entry about how a 14 year old boy claimed to have earned $25 in only one week. And here I think my $25 a month is good. Of course, he probably has more time on his hands than most of us if he doesn't have a job and is still in high school, but what a great way for college students, high school students, parents, grandparents, your friends, family, co-workers, and everyone else you know to earn in their spare time.
If you go online and do any sort of searching or watching videos that involve cycling or bicycles anyway, then I can't recommend this method enough.
But don't just listen to me, read the testimonials; you will literally find them everywhere all over the internet.
You can save your cards or physical goods that you earn for the holidays or another special occasion that you have been saving up for. Don't like the gift cards they have to choose from? There are lots of other things you can order too, like video games, iPods, iPads and more. Of course, they take more time to earn since they are priced at a higher retail value.
I personally like the gift cards to Amazon since they stock everything, even groceries and homewares. If you order directly from Amazon LLC as your vendor, you don't get charged shipping if your order is over $25.00. It is also the easiest gift card to start out earning - the Amazon $5 e-Gift Card.
I like to use my cell phone and computer at the same time to do more in less time - there is your first hint! You have many choices on how to earn and what to earn. You can even earn Paypal Ca$h, but Amazon is the easiest to earn, so I always choose them first with Starbucks and Paypal Ca$h being next in line..
If you think this is something you would be interested in, give it a test ride! Your earnings depend on you and the amount of effort you're willing to put into it. You see my earnings in December when I was trying harder? You can do this too and with LITTLE EFFORT.
Of course, as with any program, you will want to familiarize yourself with their terms and conditions. There are certain things you can and cannot do to earn, so make sure you understand them!
You'll be doing the same things you already do while online anway like surfing, watching videos, and answering questions. There are also many other types of tasks you can complete to earn if you need bike parts or cycling jerseys, or any other bike related item.
But most of all, have fun while earning and be sure to spread the word!
--Velo Vinny